Nath’s Book selection

You may want to give these a read


The Drama of the
Gifted Child
by Alice Miller

In The Drama of the Gifted Child, Alice Miller describes how (gifted) children are quick to learn how to meet and anticipate their parents’ (often subconscious) demands. 

She argues that problems arise when children don’t grow up feeling loved unconditionally, because it leads them down a path of yearning to earn that trust and recognition by becoming extreme caretakers of their parents. 

I really appreciate Alice’s nurturing approach to the challenges these children (and ultimately) adults face. One of my favourite quotes from the book; ‘These people have all developed the art of not experiencing feelings, for children can experience their feelings only when there is somebody there who accepts them fully, understands them, and supports them. If that person is missing, if the child must risk losing the mother's love or the love of her substitute in order to feel, then it will repress its emotions.’


The Alchemist

by Paulo Coelho

In The Alchemist, a young shepherd named Santiago embarks on a quest. I felt instantly connected to this book because of its beautiful way of describing a universal, human experience; The search for who it is we really are. As many of us do throughout our lifetime, Santiago sets out to find himself, challenge his own convictions and is hungry to discover what the world has to offer. 

I really like how The Alchemist is a poetic metaphor for the psychological search of the true Self, as well as a beautiful story of hope, love and finding joy through the simple things.

My favourite quote? ‘People are afraid to pursue their most important dreams because they feel that they don’t deserve them, or that they’ll be unable to achieve them.’

Blijf Bij Mij

by Rika Ponnet

After the first infatuation, a 'power struggle' arises in many relationships: You become annoyed by the little things, you are afraid of giving up too much of yourself, a certain rut develops, ...

I often recommend this book to the couples in my practice because it is very recognizable and can be used as a guideline throughout the relationship. It sheds a light on some of the hurdles many of us face in our relationships in an easy, accessible way.


Why books?
Losing yourself in a good novel or a book you enjoy is an excellent way to relax after a long day. Reading has been proven to ease tension in your muscles and heart and reduce stress as well!